Meet Lyndsay image
Meet Lyndsay

Welcome to Empowered To Achieve. Ive been on a journey with confidence for over 30 year. Growing up living in pubs, was not always the best recipe for positive self esteem. As a teenager I struggled with my physical and academic self worth. Never feeling like I fitted in. I was wary of men and preferred the company of horses instead. But inside I knew there was this bright, loving, intelligent, caring and fun woman waiting to burst through!

It took some work over my 20's but little by little I evolved, with the help of others, to become the confident woman I am today. And honestly, even though I'm not the perfect person, I"m wonderfully me!

Over the years I've pioneered and established a successful youth charity, working with young people at risk of offending and exclusion from school. Running self esteem courses in schools, coaching women, counselling, running community projects and spreading (hopefully) joy one person at a time!

Im passionate about helping women achieve their goals and dreams, empowering you to be the version of yourself you want you be, not who you have been conformed into.

Life shapes our self worth and when we have knock, or get lost in the pursuit of others dreams, children, partners, etc. Sometime we need to stop and re:evaluate ME! What do I want? What do I need?

Lack of confidence in our lives holds us back from stepping out into new oppourtunities. It immobilises us from moving forward. I know because I lived it.

Let me help you be the best you x